Monday, December 5, 2016


"...Reflecting upon that which is reflected by my reflecton" (T. Jenkins)

I discovered this as part of a shoot I posted a few weeks ago.  I'd forgotten I'd done a test shot on my phone.  The funny thing is I actually like this one better which never happens because I never like anything I shoot with my phone.  This one just feels like more of what I was going for and I think the composition is a lot nicer.

Monday, November 28, 2016

I combined dramatic lightning, shadows, and vantage point, 3 of my favorite elements, in this shot.

Monday, November 21, 2016


The sun sets afar

A distant beam burning,

burning in the distance

or am I that is?
and it is near?

a firey red erruption,
intense as aurora borealis

I gaze upon it's magnificence

perfectly imperfect,
imperfectly perfect

all but flawless
desecrated by the unflawlessness
of man

of he who finds himself in it's path
of he who dares to call upon it's beauty
of he who knows not what for

I stop in awe
and wonder

I wonder?

somewhere? tis sunrise?


it is

and they too,

who bear witness

know as well,

that somewhere,

tis sunset

this sunset I look upon,

and capture,

as it fades into darkness

I stare straight ahead with a certain blankness,
a deer in headlights

silent, and humbled

my life before me,
and the open road

still, breathless, calm,
and peaceful

a blissful oblivion

as this ground I travel
leads the way

Sunday, November 13, 2016

I've always loved doing railroad shots.  There's just something about them that I find intriguing.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Finding Fall

I Have A Feeling

Bleak branches bow their heads
and shed
brown, orange, yellow, red
she slows
We go
And I,
I have a feeling

neath my feet, soggy ground
a subtle sound
not lost nor found
Lingers there
in chilly air
And I,
I have a feeling

How gently the zephyr blows
tickling my nose,
and ebbs and flows-
the river
it quivers
And I,
I have a feeling

swoop down the greedy gulls,
never full
the sky is grey and dull
They squawk
is that talk?
And I,
I have a feeling

A tender mist upon my brow
it's coming now
and still, it's lovely anyhow
raindrops trickle
faint and fickle
And I,
I have a feeling

floating, through the musty air
without a care
dancing through my hair
freely roam
till they're home
And I,
I have a feeling

whirling round, bright confetti
Slow and steady
So delicately
falling leaves
from tired trees
And I,
I have a feeling

Monday, October 31, 2016

At Random

Sometimes I shoot at random, without deliberate purpose, rhyme or reason.  Perhaps the greatest shots are done this way.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Middle Of Nowhere

I thought to myself what an odd place for a house and yet so perfect.