Monday, November 21, 2016


The sun sets afar

A distant beam burning,

burning in the distance

or am I that is?
and it is near?

a firey red erruption,
intense as aurora borealis

I gaze upon it's magnificence

perfectly imperfect,
imperfectly perfect

all but flawless
desecrated by the unflawlessness
of man

of he who finds himself in it's path
of he who dares to call upon it's beauty
of he who knows not what for

I stop in awe
and wonder

I wonder?

somewhere? tis sunrise?


it is

and they too,

who bear witness

know as well,

that somewhere,

tis sunset

this sunset I look upon,

and capture,

as it fades into darkness

I stare straight ahead with a certain blankness,
a deer in headlights

silent, and humbled

my life before me,
and the open road

still, breathless, calm,
and peaceful

a blissful oblivion

as this ground I travel
leads the way